Sunday, August 27, 2006

08-11-2006 Conquering the Colca Canyon

Colca Canyon

Colca Canyon is the canyon of the Colca River in southern Peru. It is located about 100 miles (160 kilometers) northwest of Arequipa. Colca Canyon is the deepest canyons in the world at 10,725 ft (3,269 m), it is more than twice as deep as the Grand Canyon in the United States.
The Colca River has carved the canyon over thousands of years. Surrounding mountains tower 11,000-foot (3,400-meter) above the river on the canyon floor in places. The Colca Canyon is home of the majestic Condor. The Colca Canyon and Valley, its gorgeus landscapes and beautiful flora and fauna will surround you.
The Rio Colca canyon was first navigated by members of the Polish Canoandes '79 expedition.
Our group explored the Colca Canyon with Andrzej Pietowski, one of the member of Canoandes '79 .
Read more about the expedition Canoandes '79 .

1. Tygodnik "Wprost, (13 sierpnia 2006), Olgierd Budrewicz z Peru
Dno Ziemi 100 tysięcy turystów zeszło w 2005 r. do doliny Colca, ale do Canco na dnie najgłębszego kanionu świata - tylko kilkuset. Olgierd Budrewicz zPeru. W czasie schodzenia w głąb kanionu Colca jednemu z uczestników obsunęła się noga i z wąskiej ścieżki runął w przepaść. Grupa towarzyszących mu osób zamarła, czytaj wiecej

2. National Geographic News, Explorers Pinpoint Source of the Amazon