08-06-2006 Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu is picture-perfect, like you see in the postcards and all that you have heard about it. It is nestled in the Andes, surrounded by clouds and mountains in all directions.
The Sunday of our first week in Peru, we devoted an entire day to the beautiful and greatly acclaimed Machu Picchu, while enjoying our 4-day stay in Cusco. Wake-up call was at 5 AM, followed by a quick breakfast and brisk walk to the buses that we would be traveling on for the next hour and a half. Most of us slept through the ride and by the time we boarded our train, all 48 of us were wide awake and enjoying the scenery the train passed through for the next two hours. Upon arrival all of us once again boarded the buses that would wind their way up to the top of the site. The road was bery narrow and looking out the window and downward was enough to make one's stomach hurt. After finally reaching the top, changing into more comfortable clothes, and solving a few complications, we made our way through the gate and onto the steps of Machu Picchu, over-looking the green-green grass, once whole homes now only a mass of rubble, and the vivacious mountains and atmosphere that surrounded us. All of it was simply so entrancing, it was almost impossible to take it all in. We walked on the many steps and followed the small trails into caves and crevices, massacred homes and destroyed land. We took too many group pictures, yet still not enough because a picture is, after all, worth a thousand words. Towards the end of our hike we even got to see a large slab of rock that told the seasons and supposedly gave off some sort of energy. By the end of the day, every single one of us was exhausted and ready to go back to your hostal in Cusco. However, as our bus drove back down the winding and narrow road, no one could fall asleep for even a split-second, because at every curve that we turned a little boy would appear making strange hand motions while yelling. When we finally got to the the bottom the little boy boarded the bus and yelled something none of us could understand, while proceeding to ask for money. Almost everyone managed to give a little something and when he finished going around, he ran to the front of the bus, once again yelled something none of us could understand, and them moved out of the way so all of us could get off. When we were all finally gathered together, we split up into 3 groups for lunch, each group going to a different place. The food wasn't exactly what one could call the best, but it was enough. When everyone met up, we left for the train station, which would be followed by a long bus ride, altogether a 3 to 4 hour journey back to our hostal in Cusco. Although we were all tired, the only thing anyone could honestly complain about was the horrible bug bites you got if you rolled up your jeans or wore shorts while trying to absorb all the true beauty that had surrounded us. A sight that could take ones breath away, Machu Picchu is a magic one must see for yourself because in words, it simply cannot be described.
--Kasia Lemanek
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